Common Conditions

  • Achilles Tendonitis

    Achilles Tendonitis occurs when the Calcaneal tendon (Achilles tendon) becomes inflamed. The Calcaneal tendon joins the calf muscle to the heel bone. By lifting the heel, the Calcaneal tendon aids in walking and running. Athletes are prone to this injury because excessive recurring activities -- like running -- can overuse the tendon. Other individuals who don’t participate in such activities may acquire damage by prolonged stress on the feet, like standing for hours on end. People who have pronation of the foot -- flattening of the arch -- also have an increased risk of developing Achilles Tendonitis. The first symptom of inflammation includes mild discomfort around the tendon. As the condition progresses, other symptoms include:

    Tenderness when the sides are squeezed
    Intense Pain

    Several treatments are available to alleviate pain and heal the tendon. To reduce inflammation and pain, applying ice packs and taking an NSAID, like ibuprofen, are good ways to begin treatment. Proper rest with the combination of physical therapy can rehabilitate the injured tendon. Physical therapies such as strengthening exercises, massage, and ultrasound therapy, which normally lasts two to four weeks, can help to keep the inflammation under control. When physical therapy is not taking place, use of a walking boot may be helpful to reduce stress on the tendon. If Achilles Tendonitis is not treated, the condition could worsen to Achilles Tendonosis, which is the degeneration of the tendon.

  • Ankle Sprains

    Ligaments of the ankle connect foot bones to each other. When one of these ligaments sustains damage, the ankle becomes sprained. Sprained ankles are common among athletes. Any movement that puts the ankle in an abnormal placement may cause an ankle sprain. Examples of such movements include twists or falls. When participating in athletic activities it is important to wear proper footwear because poor quality or inappropriate shoes may lead to this type of injury. Indications you may have a sprain include pain or soreness of the ankle. Other indicators include:

    Swelling or bruising
    Difficulties walking
    Joint stiffness

    Treatment is crucial for a sprained ankle and prompt medical attention is required because the leg may become weaker, the injury might not heal properly, or severe bone complications, such as fracture, may occur. A common treatment for a sprained ankle is RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Rest gives the ankle ligaments an opportunity to heal while ice helps reduce the inflammation. Compression -- wrapping of the ankle with an elastic wrap --and elevation -- supporting the ankle about 3 feet off the floor -- work to decrease swelling. Recommended medications to help with pain are NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, but some physicians may prescribe pain medications if the injury is severe. If treatments fail to properly rehabilitate the ankle sprain, surgery may be necessary.

  • Arthritis

    Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are two types of arthritis that occur in the feet and ankles, with osteoarthritis being the most common. Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage between the bones begins to degenerate. The most common symptom of osteoarthritis is pain. Other symptoms include:

    Joint stiffness
    Swelling near joint
    Difficulties walking

    Many non-surgical treatments are available to relieve pain and help regain function. NSAIDs, like ibuprofen, walking casts, and steroid injections are helpful in reducing inflammation. Custom shoe inserts can aid in pain reduction and correct abnormal arches. Special exercises may be encouraged by a doctor to help regain strength and stability.

    RA is a type of arthritis that has unknown origins. Environmental triggers or genetics are two suggestions for the cause of RA. During RA, cells of the immune system get confused and begin attacking healthy joints, causing a myriad of foot issues. Symptoms of RA include:

    Rheumatoid nodules (lumps)
    Pain and swelling
    Difficulties walking

    Custom shoe inserts and shoes can relieve pain and assist with walking. The use of steroid injections is a common practice for delivering an anti-inflammatory. Surgery to help with foot conditions that occur because of RA is a last resort.

  • Athlete’s Foot

    Tenea pedis, most frequently known as Athlete’s Foot, occurs when fungi grow on the feet and cause a skin infection. It is a common condition among athletes and children who attend summer camp, but can affect anyone. Certain facilities are prime growing conditions for fungi like locker rooms, swimming pools, and showers, which can increase the risk of infection. Sweaty feet that spend all day in shoes are more likely to contract the condition than dry feet. You may have Athlete’s Foot if you exhibit the following symptoms:

    Itchy, dry, or scaly feet
    Cracked skin

    Not only is this condition annoying due to excessive itching but if not treated a bacterial infection could set in and possibly spread to the toenails. Keeping feet dry will decrease chances of fungi growth, so changing socks frequently is a good idea if engaging in activities that cause you to sweat. Avoid walking barefoot in public showers at the gym, around the pool, or anywhere else the conditions are warm and damp. Most of the time, over the counter (OTC) anti-fungal powders, sprays, or creams will treat Athlete’s Foot. If the condition is extreme and persistent, a doctor will prescribe stronger medication.

  • Blisters

    Those who walk or run long distances are not strangers to foot blisters. When the foot intensely and repeatedly rubs up against the inside of the shoe, a blister can form. A blister is a puffy, bubble of skin filled with fluid that protects the skin and promotes healing of the injured area. Wearing poorly fitting shoes -- or new shoes that haven’t been broken in – can set the wearer up for blisters. The main symptom is the appearance of a bubble-like, raised portion of skin. Other symptoms that may accompany the bubbled skin include:


    When running or walking wear comfortable, well-fitted shoes and clean socks. If you get a blister, wear shoes as infrequently as possible. Protect the blister with a loose bandage until the body absorbs the fluid in the blister and the blister thoroughly heals. If you get a blister, do not pop it unless it is large and likely to be irritated further. To pop a blister, wash hands and sterilize a needle by pouring alcohol over it. Poke a small hole in the blister and squeeze the liquid out. Seek out medical attention if the blister pus is white or yellow. This means it is infected. After popping, apply an anti-biotic ointment to the site with a bandage loosely covering the area.

  • Bunions

    Bunions are a disorder that changes the structure of the foot bones and can get progressively worse with time. A naturally abnormal foot structure, tight shoes that squeeze the feet into an abnormal shape, or arthritis are prime causes for bunions. The characteristic symptom of bunions is the inward leaning of the big toe. Other symptoms include:

    A bump on the side of the big toe
    Redness or inflammation

    Wearing shoes with pointed toes can make the condition worse. Shoes with wide toe-boxes are appropriate when bunions are an issue. Placing cushioning pads over the bunion are helpful as well. To avoid aggravating the condition, avoid standing for long periods of time. An orthotic professional can prescribe specially fitted shoes with fitted insoles that can correct the shape of the foot. To relieve any pain you could use a heating pad, warm water foot soak, or NSAIDs like ibuprofen. A more uncommon treatment involves the injection of corticosteroids to relieve inflammation. If these methods do not provide relief, surgery may be necessary. Surgery will correct the bone structure of the foot and any soft tissue that has changed and will remove the bump.

  • Calluses

    Calluses are hard, thickened areas of skin that are often not painful and require no treatment. Pressure or friction due to rubbing from socks and shoes or bunions may cause of calluses. It is easy to tell if you have a callus by the appearance of hard, thickened skin on your foot. Other symptoms of calluses may include:

    Yellowish or gray appearance of skin

    To prevent calluses, wear well-fitted shoes. If calluses become painful you might want to invest in thicker sole inserts for shoes. This will cushion the foot while walking and alleviate pressure on the sole of the foot. Home treatment includes soaking the foot in warm water to soften the callus and gently using a pumice stone to slough off dead skin. Take great care if you opt to use this method. Rubbing too rough with the pumice stone may cause the callus to bleed and an infection can develop. Under no circumstances should you try to cut the callus off by yourself. Improper techniques can result in cuts and bacterial infection. If the callus pain is persistent, visit the doctor for proper callus removal. If painful calluses remain untreated other conditions like bursitis, blisters, bone infections, or bacterial infection of the joint can occur.

  • Claw Toe

    Tight fitting shoes that squeeze your feet are the most common cause for toes curling and digging into the sole of the shoe. Alcoholism, diabetes, trauma, and excessive inflammation also are culprits that may trigger the condition of claw toe. Both alcoholism and diabetes can cause nerve damage that weakens the muscles of the foot, causing claw toe. Performing special tests may be necessary to rule out neurological conditions that can cause weakening of the foot muscles. Symptoms of claw toe include:

    Toes that bend upward
    Toes that bend downward
    Toes that curl under the foot
    Calluses or corns

    When symptoms of claw toe first appear the toes are still flexible and the use of tape or a splint may correct the position of the toes. Doctors recommend patients stay away from shoes that will cramp feet and opt for shoes with plenty of room in the toe-box. What has proven to be helpful are special toe exercises, like picking up small items with the toes, which can improve the condition or prevent it from worsening. Toes become rigid during the later stages of claw toe and special shoe pads and shoes with “in depth” toe boxes should be worn. Only as a very last resort should you consider surgery.

  • Corns

    Corns are common foot conditions that occur from repeated pressure on the foot, such as rubbing of the skin against a shoe, wearing no socks with shoes, or foot deformities. Women are more likely to develop corns due to wearing high heels. Corns come in three different forms: hard corns, soft corns, and seed corns. Located on the top or outside of the little toe, hard corns look like a compressed patch of hard skin with a dense core. Soft corns are found between the toes while seed corns develop on the heel or ball of the foot. All corns can be painful. Other symptoms include:

    Hard patch of skin (hard corns)
    Thin skin with smooth center (soft corns)
    Circle of dead skin (seed corns)

    If corns are no longer exposed to friction they can heal by themselves. Moleskin pads may relieve the pressure if it is impossible to reduce friction. Over the counter (OTC) corn pads with medication are available but be wary; the salicylic acid on the corn pad may cause a chemical skin burn and an infection. Seek medical attention if your corn gets cut, discharges pus or fluid, or if you have diabetes because of the increased risk of infection. If an infection does occur, a physician can make a small incision to drain the corn and prescribe an oral antibiotic.

  • Cracks and Fissures

    Tarly stages of heel cracking involve the splitting of the skin to produce unsightly cracks. If heel cracks remain untreated, the cracks can progress into fissures. Cracks only affect the upper layer of the skin called the epidermis, while fissures begin to crack deeper into the skin, just below the epidermis into the dermis. Dry skin is the reason most people assume they have cracking heels, but increased weight, diabetes, neuropathy, poor circulation, and poor nutrition can also cause poor foot health. Symptoms of heel cracks and fissures vary from mild to severe. The most apparent symptom is cracks in the epidermis of the heels. Other symptoms include:

    Dry, itchy heels
    Hard skin on the heels
    Difficulties standing or walking
    Bleeding or discharge

    With proper treatment, heel cracking will not evolve into fissures. Moisturizing the feet two times a day will heal the cracks in most cases. Exercise will improve poor circulation to the feet that can help heal or prevent cracks from reappearing again. If cracks or deep fissures are persistent, a diet lacking proper nutrients may be the culprit. Add foods to your diet that are rich in Vitamin E, Calcium, Omega 3 fatty acids and iron. Do not take over the counter vitamins without consulting with your doctor.

  • Diabetic Foot Care

    Foot care during diabetes is crucial because it can cause nerve damage that inhibits the sense of touch in the foot. Diabetics must keep a watchful eye on the condition of their feet because, with the lack of sensation in their feet, they may not recognize the severity of a foot issue until it escalates into a bad infection. Unfortunately, amputation may result because of poor diabetic foot care.

    There are many steps diabetics can take to promote good foot health. Diabetic shoes, which can be purchased through a doctor and some pharmacies, are shoes specially fitted to the foot and contain a wide toe-box. Most of these shoes also come with custom fitted insoles. Never go barefoot, even when at home; shoes and slippers protect the foot from foreign objects you may not feel when stepped on and which can cause damage to the foot. Keep an eye out for ingrown toenails and cut toenails straight across. Getting a professional pedicure may be helpful if you have trouble keeping your feet in good condition. Moisturize daily but not in between the toes where fungi could grow and cause Athlete’s Foot. Be gentle with your feet, dry thoroughly when washing, and inspect your feet daily.

  • Flat Feet

    Adult acquired flatfoot (Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction, PTTD) and flexible flatfoot are conditions that may cause the flattening of the arches.

    When changes are made to the posterior tibial tendon -- the major tendon that supports the foot -- the ability to support the arch is impaired. If left untreated the condition will worsen. The tendon can be damaged from overuse such as running, long-distance walking, hiking, or climbing stairs. Pains on the inside of the ankle, foot, and along the tendon are indications that there may be an issue. Other symptoms of PTTD may include:

    Flattened arch
    Inward rolling of the ankle

    Advancement of the condition can lead to pain migrating from the inside to the outside of the foot, arthritis, and tendon deterioration. Custom orthotic devices, immobilization casts or boots, and strengthening exercises through physical therapy can correct the condition during the early stages of PTTD. In extreme cases, surgery may be required to correct the issue and alleviate pain.

    Flexible flatfoot shares the same common characteristic as PTTD, partial or full loss of the arch. When no weight is put on the foot, there is still an arch; when weight is put on the foot that the arch disappears. Progression of this condition will lead to ligament and tendon damage. Symptoms include:

    Heel pain
    Rolled in ankle
    Foot/leg fatigue
    Shin spints

    Avoid prolonged walking and lose weight if overweight to treat the condition. In some cases, immobilization may be required.

  • Foot Odor

    Many adults and children suffer from foot odor. Sweat is often the main cause for foot odor but can occur from bacterial or fungal infections. Symptoms include:

    Feet that smell bad
    Sweaty feet
    Infections (bacterial or fungal)

    To treat foot odor check for bacterial or fungal infections. Bacterial infections occur when bacteria begin to eat away at the top layer of the skin, producing the bad smell. For this type of infection, a visit to the doctor and a prescription of antibiotics should clear the infection. Fungal infections, like Athlete’s Foot, can cause a myriad of issues that make the feet produce an odor, but can be fixed with over the counter foot sprays or creams. If none of these are the case, try the following tips. Practice good hygiene by washing feet daily and drying thoroughly. Wear clean socks and do not wear shoes without socks. If your feet sweat a lot, try a different type of sock that lets the foot breathe or change socks frequently. If the smell persists, try washing your shoes. Bad smelling shoes may have built up dirt and sweat that will cause your feet to smell bad.

  • Fractures

    Fractures to the foot, heel, and ankle are a partial or full break in the bone that may occur due to an ankle sprain, falling, or other activity that may cause trauma to the foot. The first symptom you will notice upon fracturing a bone is pain at the breakage site. Other symptoms may include:

    Inability to walk
    Protrusion of the bone

    To prevent the condition from getting worse, it is important to visit with a physician as soon as possible if you think you may have a fracture. RICE is the most common treatment for foot, ankle, and heel fractures: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Resting the injured area will give it the ability to heal without excess stress being put on it, while ice will help with the inflammation. Wrap an elastic covering around the area for compression and keep the injured body part elevated. Both compression and elevation work together to reduce swelling. To deal with pain, NSAIDs like ibuprofen will provide relief but your doctor can prescribe something stronger if you feel it is necessary. Sometimes an immobilization device, such as a cast or walking boot, may be necessary. Severe fractures may require surgery.

  • Gout

    Gout is a painful condition that affects the joints and tissues, most often the big toe. Crystallized uric acid will begin to build up in the joints and cause pain and inflammation. Individuals at high risk for developing gout are those with diabetes, high blood pressure, high levels of stress, or those who have undergone chemotherapy. Additionally, it is not uncommon for alcoholics to develop gout. A diet rich in red meat or shellfish may also produce high levels of uric acid that can contribute to the onset of gout. Symptoms include:

    Pain in the joints
    Joint warmth

    See your physician and follow the treatment regimen set forth by your doctor. When properly following this regimen, there should be fewer or no additional attacks of gout. Medications or injections can also be used to treat joint pain and reduce the inflammation. It is imperative to change your diet if it is high in red meat, shellfish, red wine, or beer as these types of foods and drinks produce excess uric acid. Extensive walking may cause pain so keep it to a minimum. Elevate the foot to relieve swelling. If attacks continue to occur despite these efforts, inform your doctor who will see if the gout is being caused by underlying issues. If not taken care of swiftly, arthritic damage may occur.

  • Hammertoe

    Beginning as a slight deformity of the toe, hammertoes are little toes that bend at the joint. Factors that play a role in the bending toes are tight shoes, previous injuries, genetics, or an imbalance between the muscles and the tendons. Other than bent toes, the symptoms include:

    Pain when wearing shoes
    Corns or calluses
    Open sores

    If treatment of hammertoe is neglected in the early stages, the condition will worsen with toes becoming rigid and the condition harder to correct. Hammertoe will not go away without treatment. To begin treatment, the first usual change is in shoe choice. The patient should stop wearing shoes that cramp the toes and, instead, wear shoes that have a roomy toe-box. Visit a doctor for advice on removing corns or to have calluses shaved. Orthotics can control the imbalance between the muscles and the tendons. To realign the toes, splints are often used. Over the counter NSAIDs like ibuprofen will help with inflammation and pain, but the doctor can also give corticosteroid injections in more severe cases. Surgery is only suggested for hammertoes when the toes become rigid or if a sore appears.

  • Heel Pain

    There are several varieties of foot conditions that may instigate heel pain. Excessive standing or walking are normal sources for foot and heel pain. To treat mild to moderate heel discomfort, rest and ice will reduce the inflammation and aching. Replacing old shoes or improperly fitting shoes with new ones, and the use of shoe inserts, can also improve heel pain dramatically. If discomfort continues to persist, try an over the counter NSAID like ibuprofen.

    If the heel pain is severe enough to interfere with your daily activities and includes symptoms other than discomfort, it is possible that there is an underlying condition contributing to the pain. Such conditions may include Achilles Tendonitis, Plantar Fasciitis, or heel spurs. You should see a doctor immediately if your symptoms include:

    Swelling near the heel with severe pain
    Inability to bend the foot downward
    Heel pain, numbness, or tingling, along with a fever
    An injury followed by severe heel pain

    While you can speculate which condition you may have, it is best to get it looked at by a doctor who can give you a clear-cut diagnosis with treatment instructions. Self-treatment without a diagnosis could result in further injury.

  • Heel Spurs

    Heel spurs are common conditions among athletes who run and jump frequently. The strain and the stretching of foot muscles and ligaments trigger the deposit of calcium on the underside of the heel bone. These calcium deposits turn into protrusions that can be as long as half an inch. Individuals who are on their feet a lot, have arch issues, or are obese are at an increased risk of developing a heel spur. Poor fitting shoes also play a role in the onset of this condition. Heel spurs have no symptoms besides pain, and sometimes there is no pain. Heel spurs affect the soft-tissue associated with it and may cause a sharp pain that turns into a dull ache throughout the day. If you have heel spurs and are overweight, shedding the excess pounds will help to treat the condition. To deal with the pain, NSAIDs like ibuprofen are frequently used or your doctor may give you a cortisone injection. Orthotics that cushion the heel, or foot stretching exercises, may also provide some pain relief. If none of this helps, or the condition worsens, surgery is an option which will either remove the spur or release the plantar fascia.

  • Ingrown Toenails

    Ingrown nails occur when the toenail begins to curve and grow into the skin, which can be a result of many different factors. Some of these cannot be prevent, such as genetics making some individuals naturally more prone to ingrown toenails. Controllable factors that may lead to the growth of ingrown toenails are tight shoes and cutting the toenails too short. The main reason individuals seek treatment for an ingrown toenail is the pain. Other symptoms that may coincide with pain include:


    Even if there is no pain, it is important to pay attention to toenail health because an ingrown toenail could lead to an infection. Those with diabetes, nerve damage, or poor circulation should never attempt to treat their ingrown toenails at home. For others, pain is mild to moderate, soak the foot in warm water -- perhaps with Epsom salts -- and begin to massage the side of the nail. Do not try to fix the nail by continuing to cut it. If pain persists or does not get better, visit a doctor who will determine a proper course of treatment. If infection is causing the pain, your doctor will prescribe an oral antibiotic. In some cases minor surgery may be necessary to remove the toenail.

  • Metatarsalgia

    Pain and inflammation in the ball of the foot, metatarsalgia, is a common symptom of several foot conditions. Injuries to the ball of the foot occur frequently in athletes who perform activities that put high-impact stress on the forefront of the foot. Diets that cause bone loss, hammertoe, high arches, or a tight Achilles tendon may contribute to metatarsalgia. Metatarsalgia has no symptoms other than inflammation and pain in the forefront of the foot.

    Since this symptom may be associated with a myriad of foot conditions, it may be best to visit a doctor who can determine what the underlying condition that is causing the pain. Treatments that help include resting the foot and icing it to reduce inflammation. To manage pain, over the counter NSAIDs like ibuprofen will help but will not provide a lasting solution. Orthotic devices, such as metatarsal pads, will help with pain and take pressure off the forefoot when walking. Do not perform activities that cause pain. When pain is no longer present, physical therapy exercises can help to rehabilitate the foot. In extreme cases, the metatarsal bones require realignment that only surgery can provide. To prevent this condition from returning it is important to wear shock absorbent footwear and eat a well-rounded diet

  • Nail Fungus

    Onchomycosi, fungal infections of the nail, affect men more than women and are commonplace in people with weakened immune systems. There are several types of fungal infections of the nail, but the most common two are distal subungual onychomycosis (DSO) and white superficial onychomycosis (WSO).

    DSO makes up the majority of fungal infections of the toe, caused by the same fungi that cause Athlete’s Foot. Symptoms of a DSO infection include:

    A white or yellow nail
    Skin or nail debris build up underneath the nail
    Crumbling or splitting of the nail
    Nail separation from the skin

    Overtime, debris will build up underneath the nail and can cause discomfort when walking or wearing shoes. DSO can be a long-lasting condition that is hard to treat therefore prevention is ideal. To prevent infection wash feet daily, dry thoroughly, and wear clean socks and shoes. Avoid areas where fungi grow like public showers and swimming pools.

    WSO, on the other hand, is easily treated. WSO fungi affect the upper layer of the nail with the following symptoms:

    White spots on the surface
    Crumbly, chalky powder on nail surface
    No nail thickness
    Does not separate nail from the skin

    The doctor can prescribe an oral anti-fungal medication to eradicate the infection. For persistent infections, like DSO, it may take months or longer to eliminate infection. Steps to prevent nail fungus may be easier than trying to fight the infection once you have it.

  • Neuropathy

    Peripheral neuropathy is the most common form of neuropathy affecting the peripheral nerves of the feet. Damage to peripheral nerves can alter the ability to sense pain or temperature and may affect muscle control. The most common cause is diabetes but poor nutrition, alcoholism, serious infections, or certain medications can initiate it. Neuropathy is a dangerous condition because there is often a loss of the sense of feeling in the foot. Due to the fact that there is no feeling, stepping on an object or getting a cut may result in infection since it may go unnoticed for some time. Other symptoms include:

    Numbness, tightness, or tingling
    Shooting pain through the foot
    Loss of balance
    Foot deformities
    Dry feet

    The best way to treat neuropathy is to control the underlying condition. Diabetics must watch their blood sugar and those who have nutritional deficiencies should watch their diet. Make sure to inspect feet daily and check for cuts, blisters, or swelling. Medications prescribed by your doctor can treat the numbness and tingling and NSAIDs can help with the shooting pain. A physical therapist can prescribe exercises that will target muscles, regaining control and balance.

  • Peripheral Vascular Disease

    Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is a disease of the arteries that can affect the extremities of the body. Plaque from fatty materials, combined with calcium and other substances, will build up on the sides of the arteries making it difficult or impossible for blood to pass through. Diabetes, injuries, or infections are other factors that can contribute to the narrowing or weakening of the arteries. Not all individuals who have PVD are symptomatic. Those who do experience symptoms notice the following indicators:

    Pain throughout the leg and sometimes the foot
    Pain while walking
    Achy pain in the feet or toes while at rest
    Sores on feet that do not heal
    Pale, bluish, or dark reddish foot color

    To combat PVD, receive treatment for any underlying conditions you may have, such as diabetes. Begin a healthy lifestyle by eating nutritious foods, staying away from foods that have unhealthy cholesterol, exercising regularly, and maintaining a healthy weight. Smoking hardens the arteries so it is important to try and quit. Keep a close eye on blood pressure and cholesterol levels; you may need to take a prescription medication to keep these under control. These changes can correct PVD. In extreme cases, an angioplasty (balloon) surgery may be necessary.

  • Plantar Fasciitis

    There are many possible sources for heel pain but the most common is plantar fasciitis. Heel pain from plantar fasciitis occurs when the tissue that stretches between the heels to the toes (the fascia) becomes inflamed. People with arch issues are more prone to plantar fasciitis pain. Individuals who wear non-supportive shoes or who work on hard surfaces frequently can have the following symptoms:

    Pain on the arch of the foot
    Pain on the heel
    Pain that hurts more upon rising
    Pain that increases over months

    Treatment of plantar fasciitis is moderately easy and the condition can begin to correct itself when taking the proper steps. Always wear supportive shoes and do not go barefoot. Adding padding to your shoes can cushion the feet and soften the impact of walking. Rest your feet when possible and take an NSAID like ibuprofen to relieve the pain. Stretching exercises for the calf help to relieve the pain in the foot. If those techniques do not work, visit a podiatrist who can provide you with a night splint and customized orthotic devices. Physical therapy, in addition to the stretching exercises, can also be beneficial. Only in rare cases is surgery needed for plantar fasciitis.

  • Shin Splints

    Shin splits are pains that occur on the front of the lower legs. While runners may be most familiar with this pain, other individuals may suffer from them as well. Repetitive activities, like running, are the most well known cause but flat feet, tight calves, improper training or shoes, or old shoes may cause shin splints. The repeated pulling of the muscle that attaches to the tibia causes shin splints. Symptoms of shin splints include pain of the muscle connected to the tibia (shinbone) and swelling. Shin splints may go away for some runners after they become acclimated to the activity, but for others, the pain can persist. It is important not to push too hard when shin splints are the issue because the result could be a stress fracture of the tibia. Rest and do not continue to do any activity that causes pain. Wait until the pain subsides before trying the activity again. Use ice and NSAIDS to reduce the inflammation. Proper stretching and shoes that fit properly may significantly help to prevent shin splints. If you suffer from flat feet, visit a podiatrist to receive information on how to treat that condition, maybe eliminating your shin splints in the process.

  • Warts

    Plantar warts are warts that appear anywhere on the foot, but normally on the bottom. A wart is an area of tissue that appears thickened, raised, and is normally circular. They are normally not painful unless there is an application of pressure. Contact with the human papilloma virus (HPV) is the main reason warts develop. Anyone can have a wart, but warts occur more frequently in children and the elderly. Symptoms of warts include:

    A circular area or clusters of thick, raised tissue
    Pain when squeezed or stepped on
    Tiny black dots (dried blood)

    The majority of warts will go away with outside intervention but it may take a long time. Many individuals desire to have the wart gone as quickly as possible and opt to treat with products purchased from the store. Do not try to treat it on your own because you could damage your skin or otherwise injure yourself. Visit a physician who will give you proper removal instructions, prescribe medications, or will remove it for you. Different medications that treat warts are topical or oral treatments. Laser therapy, freezing (cryotherapy), acid treatments, and minor surgery are also viable options. If wart removal is successful, there is still the possibility it may return.

© Copyright 2025 Dr. Noah Blum, DPM